Linden’s First Ace of 2013

We finally had the first hole-in-one of 2013 on Friday! Will Styler aced hole #15 on February 8th, obviously drawing great inspiration from his playing partners! Randy Isaac, Doug Bloom, and Jeff Davidson were witness to the 6-iron from 155 yards that dropped right behind the flag and rolled back into the hole. This is … Continued

Membership Directory Project

We are asking for your help in updating our Membership Directory! Please help us make sure that we have the correct phone numbers and e-mail addresses on file for you. Please call the Pro Shop @ (253) 845-2056 or send us an e-mail at to update your contact info. Thank you!

Tony Fatica Update

January 27th: Tony was released yesterday from Good Samaritan’s in-patient rehabilitation center. He will be staying with his friend Barb for the next few weeks while he continues to recover and get stronger. We are still taking donations in the Pro Shop to help him through this rough stretch. Thank you everyone who has made … Continued

2012 Top Dog

With the new year, we now crown the 2012 Top Dog for most golf played:     Your 2012 Top Dog is Paul Green, who played 255 total rounds of golf. Paul played 229 18-hole rounds, and 26 9-hole rounds for a total of 4,356 holes of golf! Not bad for being semi-retired!     … Continued

Two Days, Two Juniors, Two Aces!

We are ending 2012 in a flurry of aces!   On December 26, junior Linden member Connor Smith aced hole #2. The hole measured 116 yards – Connor hit an 8-iron over the flag and spun it back into the cup for his second ace of his career. You may recall that Connor recorded Linden’s … Continued

Maintenance Update 12/9

Over the next few months our maintenance staff will be undertaking a large project repairing bunker edges and refilling bunkers with sand. Some of the edges have taken a beating over the years, so we are going to restore them as part of our ongoing improvement plan. Please be advised that sand conditions may be … Continued

Winter Tour Results

We had a great Kick-Off event today! The weather was very nice today, despite the forecasts.   We are going to play Bayshore next week! Make sure you check the Winter Tour page to mark the next event on your calendar!   Overall Low Gross Kyle Comen 68 $50   Overall Low Net John Duthie … Continued

Linden Winter Tour

Linden Winter Tour We have created the Linden Winter Tour to get you out of the house during the winter golf season. We also figured we might as well play a few other courses while we’re at it! The pro will also be playing in each event with a different group of our members each … Continued

Elections Results

The membership has spoken! Our 2012 Board of Directors elections have been completed, and the results were announced at the Annual Dinner and Meeting. Your incoming Board members are: Tom Gerhard Paul Green Teri Hislop (re-elect) Tom Kennedy (re-elect) Jason Lewis Brian Pease These individuals will be serving a three year term for our club. … Continued

Linden Winter Tour

We have created the Linden Winter Tour to get you out of the house during the winter golf season. We also figured we might as well play a few other courses while we’re at it! The pro will also be playing in each event with a different group of our members each time.   Men … Continued