2022 WWC PGA Pro-Ams

Please click below to download the PDF:

(List last updated 4/15/22)


  • Players age 18+ with a current GHIN handicap are eligible to play in Pro-Am events.
  • Men & Ladies are welcome to play in all events, except the Ladies-only event at Indian Summer.
  • Members enter Pro-Am events with the understanding that dress codes and pace of play policies are strictly enforced at these events.  For reference, an acceptable pace of play means that you should regularly complete 18 holes at Linden in 3 hours and 30 minutes or less.  Having a great time and keeping up with the group ahead are not mutually exclusive!
  • Once your name is on the list, you must wait 2 weeks to sign up for more events, except in the case of last-minute fill-ins.  During this 2-week period, anyone else not on the list may sign up.  All restrictions will be lifted on Monday, March 7. 
  • Entry fee includes golf and competition fees and is due at least 1 week prior to Pro-Am event.  Please pay your professional via cash or check. 
  • If you must cancel out of an event, please do so at your earliest opportunity.  If spots go unfilled, the professional incurs a fine or the entry fee comes out of their pocket.  Please help us avoid these situations.
  • Power carts are optional and not included in entry fees.  Carts must be reserved at least two weeks in advance.