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Please check back for updates on the construction of our new practice green complex. Oldest posts are on the top of the page and newest on the bottom; photos follow captions.
4/6/21: The sod has been stripped from the area surrounding the old short game green. The remaining sod on the short game green will be stripped and relocated to the newly expanded portion of the main practice putting green.

4/6/21: The south/southeast area of the main practice putting green is undergoing an expansion. The old flowerbeds have been removed and sod from the short game green will be relocated as starter material for this expanded green.

4/13/21: The short game area is now stripped down to bare dirt, and ready to begin the construction process.

4/13/21: Sod is being laid on the main practice putting green.

4/15/21: The real digging begins. Roughing out the general complex and digging out an area for the new practice bunker.

4/15/21: The sod has now been laid on the main practice putting green. It will take a few months of TLC to fully knit and grow in. The surface will gain smoothness over time with regular topdressing.

4/16/21: The new bunker is becoming evident and the sub-grading of green contours is starting to take shape.

4/16/21: The cart path has been re-routed around the practice area.

4/17/21: The shape of the bunker is now clear to see, and the contouring of the sub-grade is ready for final approval. The sub-grade contours will match the actual contours of the new green (much easier to see in person — photos don’t quite pick up the subtleties).