Linden Coronavirus Update

Last Updated 3/17/20, 9:22 PM PDT Dear Member, As the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 continually change, the Board of Directors and staff are doing our best to evaluate and stay on top of the situation.  Golf courses are currently on the approved list of business activities with certain conditions.  As such, we will be modifying our … Continued

Supplemental Information to Member Letter

Expenditures to improve the club: Completed irrigation replacement Repainted foyer & replaced carpet New appliances in foyer kitchen New appliances, cabinets, and flooring in upstairs kitchen New carpet in men’s locker room New tables & chairs in foyer New patio furniture Two/thirds  of new clubhouse roof New sound system New clubhouse windows New television New … Continued

**Updated Letter To Members**March 18, 2020**

PLEASE SCROLL DOWN PAST THE ORIGINAL LETTER TO READ THE NEWEST MESSAGE. [BEGIN ORIGINAL LETTER] Dear Member, Thank you for your support and patronage of Linden Golf & Country Club.  Throughout our history, the Board of Directors and staff have continually worked to operate and improve our beautiful course and associated facilities at the most … Continued

Golf PT Class Resources

As a supplement to our Physical Therapy for Golfers Program, we are providing you with some online resources courtesy of Physical Therapist Michael Huffington. ~~Warm Up Exercises For Golfers~~ ~~Wrist & Arm Strengthening~~ (use access code DJHPXV4Q) ~~Shoulder Strengthening~~ (use access code RBEQRR3J) ~~Wrist & Arm Stretches~~ (use access code H6JBQA6H) ~~Mid-Back & Shoulder Mobility~~ … Continued


Back by popular demand — Mark your calendars for the Turkey Shoot Scramble on Saturday, November 9th!  The format for the Turkey Shoot is a poison ball scramble — Here’s how it works:On each hole, three players in the group will play a scramble while a rotating fourth player plays for their own score using … Continued